Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Terrified of telephones and shopping mall, and knives, and drowning in the pools of over lives.

Yeah, Poland Rocked my socks like a really wet cold rocking thing. Go cold rocking things! Seriously, the trip was amazing. The people were so very warm and nice that I rarely noticed that I was cold and wet. Here are pictures!

<-It's the Rubach's from Burlington! We got all the way to JFK in New York (flying out of O'Hare at 4:30 am is actually really nice. Spending 18 hours in airports - not so nice) and saw these familiar faces... I've got to figure out how to lighten this up so that you CAN see their faces.

Look, it's Tim, who's really tired, and some people from our bus waiting in the Heathrow Airport to meet our guide. One Plane lands per minute at Heathrow, making it the busiest Airport in the world.

This is Kensington Palace where Princess Diana lived.

This is a Picture of a meeting for field service in London (it's in the London Branch) They are meeting outside a pub. The branch was way neat. Not nearly as large as anything in New York, but still very busy. There are an absolute ton of foreign languages in London. And they also care for all the isles.

Look! It's Windsor Castle!

And It's our Hotel when the fire alarm went off and they had to evacute us all at 6:45 A.M. Sure glad I was in the shower.

And I'm using the Tele!

It's Tim and I outsid the Palace on the Water in Warsaw, Poland.

And this is the countryside in Poland. Looks a lot like Wisconsin doesn't it? They even have holstiens.

Remeber how I said it was cold and raining? It rained all three days, and we were in an outdoor stadium. Even the brothers on the stage used umbrellas. The brothers and sisters were so kind... One side the the stadium had an over hang, and that was where they arranged for the delegates to sit. All the Polish Brothers and sisters had to sit in the rain. Some of them had to sit on wet concrete too. They didn't have seats. What I can't convey in these pictures is that it was about 55 degrees Fehrinhite. Seriously chilly.

The ones sitting on the soccer field are the baptismal canedites. You can see that the brothers and sisters made little tarp cities using plastic and umbrella. It got really, really humid and hard to breath in those plastic enclosures. They acted like a greenhouse, but they were able to stay mostly dry.

Oh, and that's "Deliverance at Hand!" in Finnish.

There were 298 people baptised at Poznan. Imagine getting baptised in a pool of water that was 50 degrees and had been rained in for a day and a half. Fun, huh?

This is only 1/6th of the Bus parking. Hope you remebered where you parked! Actually, Jaque and I got totally lost on Friday. But our Tour Guide Jan found us.

Ok, there are more pictures... but Tim says I have to go to bed now... More updates coming soon!


heyfakedomsar said...

that looks really cool. i want to hear more stories. the locals spoke english? any crying moments? anyway, i had 2 cancellations on the ani show, so it looks like it's you, abz, and me right now. we should car pool. know anyone else that wants to go? i haven't seen the former peck girls in a while.

fLoObAwOmPs! said...

YAY! i almost forgot u went i'm glad u posted pictures! it looks beautiful. i'm glad u had fun and i missssssssssss youuuuuuuu :)

Flumper said...

wow do i love those glasses on tim!! he he they remind me of old man/computer nerd glasses! Love it!! looks beautiful!! I'm so glad you had fun!! Love you!!